A nice confirmation of our quality and security!
Successful audits
At the end of 2020, we were once again audited for our ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 certifications. These audits have been carried out by BSI, who have let us know that we have passed this renewal with flying colours. The employees involved within Archive-IT have been thoroughly tested to make sure that we, as an organisation, have our procedures in order and thus meet the set standards. This year we have again passed with flying colours! Besides these annual audits, we are constantly working to keep our quality management system and information security at the highest possible level.
Mark of Trust
In addition, BSI has a new logo for its certifications. With this 'Mark of Trust' we demonstrate that we have successfully met the requirements of the ISO and NEN standards mentioned above. BSI is recognised worldwide as one of the most experienced independent assessors. The security and quality of information and processes is an indispensable element at Archive-IT. We are proud that we can seal that with these certificates.

More information about the ISO certificates, AVG, but also the physical and digital security at Archive-IT, can be found on our Security page.