Why is metadata so important?
Metadata are characteristics that are given to a specific document or document type. It concerns unique data that say something...
Digitizing archives, files and documents does not always have to be complex, but it is sometimes underestimated. Time for a look behind the scenes! Before the archive arrives at Archive-IT, several steps have already been taken. Think about it, for example:
See the steps below on how to digitise the archive from A to Z.
By means of sealed and exclusive transport, the files are collected from the customer and transported directly to Archive-IT.
The individual files are provided with a barcode sticker and registered in the system. Because the files are registered immediately, the location of the file is known at all times. If a customer needs a file during the digitisation process, it can be requested and digitised as a matter of priority.
During the scan preparation, staples and donkey earplugs are removed, among other things, so that scanning runs smoothly. It is also possible to clean up the content. Think of the reclassification of tabs, the selection of core document(s) or the removal of superfluous documents from the file.
When the files are completely ready for scanning, they are actually digitized. The files are scanned on both sides by our experienced scan operators with a High Volume scanner. An extra step is the vitalisation of the files. Metadating, classification and indexing enable us to add value to the documents.
After the files have been digitised (and possibly vitalised), there are a number of possibilities. If the customer uses our own software, they are immediately digitally accessible. If the customer chooses to upload to his own system (e.g. AFAS or Raet), we can arrange for an export of the digitised files so that they can be read into the system in question. We can also make digital files available via a secure connection, so that the customer can take care of the destination of the digital archive himself.
After digitisation, we always store the files free of charge for eight weeks in our secured building. Once this period has elapsed, the choice lies with the customer: certified destruction, storage at Archive-IT or return receipt.
Are you interested in digitising your archive? Contact our account managers and ask for a no-obligation consultation. We are happy to think along with you!