After two successful years of cooperation, our sister company Van Dinther will continue under the name Archive-IT from January 2025.
For the past two years, we have already been working intensively together and now the time has finally come! With this step, we officially join forces to provide you with even better support in all processes surrounding your information management. Together, we offer a complete package of solutions:
- E-Content 365 gives you quick access to the right information and can work with us to continiously optimise your digital work processes.
- I-Flow 365 offers an AI-powered solution for invoice recognition, based on Microsoft 365.
- With tools such as Virtual Archive and AIR, your physical archive can be made accessible digitally and you will be fully compliant with the laws and regulations.
- Your data quality can be improved with various AI tools and OCR text recognition.
- Cleaning up privacy-sensitive data.
What does this mean for you?
Archive-IT is a leading player in hybrid archiving and digitisation. By partnering with Van Dinther, a specialist in content management in the housing association sector, we are taking our services to an even higher level. ‘By combining our knowledge, solutions and scale, we accelerate innovation, strengthen continuity and can support our customers even better,’ said Paul de Meulemeester, CEO of Archive-IT.
Looking forward
Our customers remain in contact with the same trusted people and can count on the quality they expect from us. We enthusiastically look forward to the future and are committed to continuing to provide them with the best possible service. To share this name change with you in a fun way, we have made a short video. Watch it below!
Do you have any questions or want to know more? Feel free to contact your regular contact person or send us a message at